Viedoc part of large, global Covid-19 vaccine study in China

Clinical Trial Consultants, or CTC, uses Viedoc to conduct research for developing new and improved treatments and medical devices that can better the lives of patients worldwide. Watch the case study, and read on below.

Their slogan, "We translate science into treatment," emphasizes the process they work within, covering everything from research to treatment, and it also highlights their specific role in the process. CTC provides the 'translation', which encompasses planning clinical studies, conducting them, and reporting the findings to the authorities. Specifically, CTC is involved in planning, writing, creating databases, organizing, and completing clinical studies. This requires a loyal and determined team of clinical research nurses, doctors, project managers, monitors, regulatory experts, medical advisors, and more.  

CTC's team comprises 85 employees, and the majority of everyone involved in the clinical studies works directly with Viedoc. 

- Viedoc connects all parts of our company

Anders Millerhovf, CEO 

150 studies in Viedoc, and more to come

To date, CTC has run about 150 clinical studies with Viedoc, which gives them a unique view into the value of its functionality over time. Anders Millerhovf, CEO adds:

- When we work with the same system like this, we can set up processes and build routines within that system, which means we can apply Viedoc modules that we have used before and build on learnings from previous projects. All of this makes us much more efficient and reduces delays, so that we can begin to set up a study long before we go live.

There are many ways CTC collects data, and Viedoc covers a wide range of their clinical needs. For example, when using Viedoc, research nurses can enter data continuously, from the time the subjects come for their very first visit and give their consent to participate in the study to the end of the study. Participants can also enter much of their patient data themselves using ViedocMe, remotely, so they do not have to come to the clinic. This means participant monitoring can be managed more efficiently while accurately reporting data with convenience and ease.  

The most important aspect of data collection, of course, is that the data is correct, and that all the values are entered correctly. Erik Johansson, eCRF Manager continues:

- An Important condition for me to be able to do a good job is a stable platform to work from, and this is what Viedoc offers. You could describe it as a good base structure for building any type of study, and you do not need any prior knowledge in programming to set up basic forms. If you have a basic structure to start from, it is much easier to add more advanced functionality when needed.

Charlotte Ersson, clinical research nurse at CTC, feels that Viedoc's simplicity is one of its greatest strengths. 

- I have worked with many different eCRFs and it is very important that it is easy to use. A typical day here at our clinic involves a lot of blood samples, ECGs, blood pressure checks and monitoring participants. Viedoc is very user-friendly, as it is clear what to enter, easy to see when you have entered the wrong value - because you get direct information about it- and easy to use when you need to switch between different pages and subjects, so that combined works very well.

Dedicated to a healthier world

CTC challenges its staff every day. Working continuously with so many kinds of clinical studies of all sizes and with different challenges certainly requires a hero-like drive. Erik Johansson, eCRF Manager, agrees.

- What makes the job truly interesting is all the different types of studies. Some are easy, others are complicated, but there are always problems, and we must solve all of them. First, we have to figure out how to tackle them according to their specific clinical trial protocol, which can be quite complex. From there, we must determine which functions in Viedoc will serve the trial best, so that the outcome of the study is as positive as possible for all parties. As you can imagine, it is always thrilling when we succeed in doing this with Viedoc.

The bigger picture is also essential, and CTC's role in medicine and health does not go unnoticed, as Anders Millerhovf, CEO, points out.  

- What gives me joy, above all, is that we work with the development of medicines, medical devices and other essential products that benefit people with an unsaturated need for health.

Viedoc is a leader in Electronic Data Capture (EDC) on G2
Oct 11, 2023

"Viedoc makes building a study easy and fun. It doesn't require extensive coding knowledge; it's quick to get in and start working."