Smooth, secure, and seamless inventory tracking for trial supply

Viedoc Logistics is our fully integrated supply management system, designed to optimize and secure your trial inventory. Easily configured and with a wide range of features, it more than lives up to what you’d expect from a modern RTSM system.

Designed for the end user

A user-friendly interface with intuitive tools and comprehensive overviews makes it easier than ever to keep track of and handle your trial supply.

Designed for the end user

Easily configurable setup

Configure your own user roles, set up your scope of allocation, and create general settings for the handling of your IP. Setup is quick, with minimal training required to get started. 

Easily configurable setup

Seamless integration

Viedoc Logistics is fully integrated with the Viedoc platform, with real-time visibility to the eCRFs in Viedoc Clinic—allowing for smooth, cost-efficient supply management.

Seamless Integration

Reliable all the way

A cloud-based setup with 24/7 access, secure backup, automatic alerts when stocks are running low, and detailed history records ensure safe, accountable handling of your trial supply, from start to finish.

Frequently asked questions

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  • Do we still need an external IWRS or IVRS?

    No, all actions are performed in Viedoc. The user only needs to log in to one system.

  • Do actions happen in the system immediately?

    Yes, you don’t have to wait for system updates at a certain time of day. Kits are available as soon as they are registered as received.

  • Are there alerts for low numbers of kits at a site?

    Yes, and site-specific levels can be set based on enrollment/number of subjects. You can also keep track of expiration dates.

  • Does this work for both Open-Label and Double-Blind studies?

    Yes, you can enroll/randomize the subject and then immediately allocate their kit all within the same system.

  • Can I allocate more than one type of therapy?

    Yes, primary and supplementary therapies (as many as needed) can be set up for allocation.

  • What if I have more than one distribution center?

    This feature works for large, multinational studies, as well as in-house facilities.

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Viedoc is a leader in Electronic Data Capture (EDC) on G2
Jun 6, 2023

"What I like best about Viedoc is their approachable support and "can do" attitude. Their service has always been personal and reliable."