Viedoc Coder is an intuitive medical coding solution integrated within the Viedoc EDC system, designed for swift and accurate coding of clinical terms related to trial medications and adverse events. It offers manual batch coding, support for major dictionaries, and an auto coding feature that aligns terminology with leading reference sources. This seamless integration streamlines the workflow, significantly reducing manual effort and simplifying the process for trial personnel.
Support of leading medical dictionaries, including MedDRA, WHODrug, ATC, and IDF –comply with local regulations and easily access all the major medical terminology libraries.
Simultaneous coding of multiple items to a single dictionary value– save time and resources for the manual coder.
Automatic coding of the unassigned items to a dictionary value with the exact match in MedDRA – focus manual coders' time on complex situations and leave the more straightforward coding to Viedoc.
Facilitated Viedoc Clinic form access for coders, enabling the viewing of additional information and raising queries – save time raising queries in one click.
"Viedoc makes building a study easy and fun. It doesn't require extensive coding knowledge; it's quick to get in and start working."