November 3, 2021

Who are Zifo and what experience do they have?

Zifo RnD Solutions is a Specialized Research Data Management service provider with expertise in Clinical Data Solutions, Discovery & Lab Informatics, Computer System Validation and Consulting Services for a regulated environment.

Over the past five years Zifo has configured over 400+ Viedoc studies for different phases. A team from Zifo was certified in study build by taking the Viedoc advanced system training in Tokyo, a training held regularly by Viedoc's Japanese office. Today Zifo has a team of 20 people working regularly with the Viedoc platform.

What do Zifo think about Viedoc?

I find Viedoc a simple-to-use EDC platform with an intuitive user interface. It is easy to build a study and quick to set-up different components like the integrated ePRO (ViedocMe) and lab data upload (Helipad). The system helps address even the most challenging designs which always makes the sponsor happy. Many sponsors who have worked with us also find the different features that are part of the EDC system itself very helpful during the study conduct phase.

Divya Suryanarayanan

Manager, Viedoc Projects / Zifo RnD Solutions

Viedoc is a leader in Electronic Data Capture (EDC) on G2
Oct 19, 2023

"Data capturing has been made easy because of viedoc, it is incredibly robust and easy to navigate"