2022 was, in many ways, a year of new beginnings. We gained unprecedented recognition for our software worldwide–from attending over 55 global events and conferences to being awarded Winter Leader in G2 and entering the top 3 of the world's review websites, G2 and Capterra

A word from the CEO

What a year it has been! When forming the budget for 2022, there was still some uncertainty about the drawing on of the pandemic. Luckily, it faded away. Since March, we've been to several industry conferences. Fantastic!

And just like last year, we've had tremendous growth in terms of sales and new employees. One highlight was partnering with a large pharma who is now standardizing its clinical trial data collection with Viedoc.

Also, for the first time, we have a solid marketing team with much promise. Over the years, I have heard some good feedback from customers, along with the comment: "You should market yourself more and tell the world what you can offer." Well, now that's reality.

From a product perspective, we have done several releases every year. However, lately, our improvements have focused on performance, architecture, and security. 

Further, our main responsibility is to guarantee access to studies that can go on for many years. Our mission is to safeguard study data and maintain its integrity and confidentiality. We take this very seriously.  

Internally, we have worked with our values. One of them is "Do good." What does that mean to us? Well, in our nature as a company, we work for a healthier world and make clinical trials more efficient and safer. So, at the beginning of this year, we formed an ESG group (Environmental, Social, Governance) and kicked off a handful of activities related to the United Nation's sustainability and development goals.  

We aren't expecting any claims to fame or pats on the back for this initiative. Still, we've created a framework and hope this is something we will continue to build on and inspire other companies to take up. 

Looking at 2023, we will carry on with our continuous improvements. A cornerstone is our customer audits. Through them, we've uncovered many fruitful findings and comments that have been incredibly helpful in pushing us to become better every day. Our competent Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs department is a vital element in our business. 

Happy holidays and thank you for an incredible year. 

Mats Klaar 

A year of welcoming new energy 

We are very proud of these accomplishments but even prouder to welcome a wide range of new clients at the forefront of creating a healthier humanity–from local CROs and researchers to medical device companies and big pharma. We're also proud of welcoming over 20 new employees, now totaling more than 100 persons giving Viedoc a local presence in the United States, Sweden, Japan, the United Kingdom, Vietnam, Spain, and China. Together, our community realizes our vision of a healthier world, with our eClinical solution at the core of empowering greater discoveries.

From everyone at Viedoc–Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Viedoc is a leader in Electronic Data Capture (EDC) on G2
Sep 29, 2023

"The system is incredibly robust and is very user friendly, both to sponsor level satff, as well as site staff who remotely enter data."